Saturday, November 16, 2013

Week 33: PPL Flight School Week 2

Another week passed by without much going on. However the lack of action on the training side has allowed us to slowly get used to things over here. The weather, the food, the culture, the way of life etc. I can safely say all of us has settled in quite well in terms of life in Australia.

Talking about way of life, it is actually much more expensive to take their public transport over here than to drive your own personal car. And with the huge consumption of food/expendables in the house, we have to do grocery shopping almost once every alternate days. Without the use of a car would be quite troublesome considering the nearest supermarket is some 3km away from our residence. So yup, we have gotten wheels to aid us in our daily lives. This is our biggest happening of the week, haha.

Weather here at 1500ft elevation is erratic

This morning it was -2'C

This is a form of Aussie lunch

Lunch 111113

Studying and watching the weather

Lunch 121113

Dinner 121113

The cold weather makes me very hungry every morning

More studying

Dinner 131113

Fruits in Aussie are huge fresh and rich in colour

Chicken rice dinner by a course mate that tasted so much like home

Simple breakfast

Lunch 151113

All Friday nights are pizza nights!!

Oh, alcohol is very cheap here

Pictures right now are pretty much portraying what I'm going through everyday. There should be more about the training once it starts picking up in pace.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, may I ask which program you are currently doing at STAA?
