Friday, November 8, 2013

Week 32: PPL Flight School Week 1

Finally, we've arrived at Down Under after a long wait for the school to clear the backlog of cadets. An 8 hour flight on the SQ A380 and another 1.5 hour bus ride to Ballarat where the school and our accommodation is. Settled some minimal admin issues and we were sent to our 4-bedroom landed residential house.

Starting conditions were tough, we were fighting the weather and jetlag while trying to get the house into a decent living condition. Spent quite an amount of money on groceries and items around the house. Good thing that everyone works very well together and the transition was pretty smooth. It is quite a crowd, with 8 of us in the house but it's fun and warm again just like during ground school in Singapore.

Eating out here is expensive and we have been whipping up pretty great meals for the past week. The cooking isn't easy though with the huge portion for all of us, and it can get quite tiring and time consuming. The weather has been erratic all week, great on one and terrible on another day; definitely not perfect for flight training.

Life has been pretty slow, with us heading to school only for half a day to handle more admin issues. The studying is creeping back again as we are all pretty rusty with our aviation knowledge. Hopefully we will have more chances to head to school this coming week.

My first experience with the A380

Where I'll live for the next 22weeks

Peaceful environment

Dinner for the first night

Clear skies on the second day but it's still cold

8 people worth of shoes

Our first homecooked dinner in the making

Yummy pasta

Navigation map

Dinner 031113

Monday back to school for some admin stuff.. Cold day

Dinner 041113

Lunch 051113

Dinner 051113

Welcome to Australia, all flat grassland

First eat-out, cost me A$14.50

Lunch 071113

Birds on the tarmac

Dinner 071113

Eat-out, A$9.50

Eat-out, A$9.50


Garmin G1000 glass cockpit


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