Sunday, July 6, 2014

Week 62: A320 Type Rating Week 1

It has been a long break of four weeks since I returned to sunny Singapore. Had some trouble adjusting my body back to the weather and my digestive system was also protesting on the kind of food I dump it with.

The first day back in school was exciting. The building is new, the people are new too. There are a lot more cadets undergoing training now than when I left. It somehow feels cool that I'm now a senior who has a flying license at hand. Oh, that PPL cost me another S$223 as application fee. My pocket is going dry very soon, sigh...

Received the class schedule for the next seven weeks and it seems to be at a pretty relaxed pace with four-day weeks. The topics covered this week were intensive, and it was hard to get my drive back after seven months of non-studying life.

- High altitude flying
- High speed flying
- Multi-engine theory
- Modern navigation
- Basic fuel requirement
- Aircraft performance
- High altitude physiology
- High altitude meteorology

Honestly speaking, I was overwhelmed with what was covered this week. It almost felt like six months of ATPL ground school being taught again in four weekdays. I was exhausted at the end of each day and slept way before 0000hrs. To make this worse, we have our first progress test next week, giving us very little time to breathe! What's more we have some topics on CBT to cover, sheesh.

Hopefully the test won't be crazily hard, 'cause my confidence for it ain't high. There is simply too much topics for me to study thoroughly.

That black cat was still waiting outside our house even after we've left.. =((

Decision making factoring all parties involved

Cockpit, globe & plane

Went into the A320 simulator for the first time. It was exciting!

Pedestal panel

Flying the plane has now become a very small part of training. SOPs is the main thing now

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